What is PayPal

It was required for me to write on PayPal as so many website prefer to transfer or send money on the PayPal account.

PayPal is best financial service or method to send money to anyone and receive money from anyone using the Email ID. You can receive money from outside of the country in any currency, and you can attach your bank account with PayPal account to get transfer the money from the PayPal account to your country bank account. By default currency is U.S dollar. Pay pal providing the payment service in 24 currencies around the world.

For an Example If you want to send money from India to your friend who is in U.S, you can send the money in the seconds using the PayPal account but your friends should also hold the PayPal account.

PayPal is charging little bit from you when you are sending money to others but in case of receiving money for your friends it is completely free service.

For creating the PayPal account you required an Email Id on your name and the bank account or credit card for the verification of your PayPal account.

For the verification that you are holder of the PayPal account and the bank account, initially charges approx 2$ (100 INR) would be deducted from your bank account or credit card. As verification completes it returns in your pay pal account.

You can withdraw the money from PayPal if you have minimum balance of 10 $. Once this amount holds your account, you can send money to your bank account or to any one.

Using Pay Pal account you can do shopping, can purchase the product online from any site like eBay is famous for the product purchase and bids.
login into paypal

To create account for PayPal, sign up in www.paypal.com/

How to Hide Navigation Bar From Blog

If you are user of blogger.com and want to hide the navigation bar which shows on top in your blog, to hide the the navigation strip you need to write the little HTML code which is mentioned below.

Step 1 - Go into the Layout > Edit HTML

hide navigation bar from blog

Convert a Blog in Website or in Own Custom Domain

A converting a blog into your custom domain or in website a very easy task, if you are using blogger.com or blogspot.com then you can convert easily your blog into domain or in website . Domain is nothing but it is your site name, it may be end with .com, .org and .net etc.It is very easy to convert your blog in custom domain. You can create your own domain or your own site any time.If you are user of  http://www.blogger.com/ and have your own blog, then follow the below steps -

Step 1 : Go in the Settings Tab, click on Publishing link as shown in Image -

Want to Know Web Traffic on My Website or Blog

The number of visitors and the number of pages viewed by the visitors represent to Web Traffic.The Website traffic is completely based on popularity of web sites and viewed so many times any single page of the site.
Following things increase the website traffic:-

  • Coming regularly number of visitors. 
  • The average number of page viewed per visitor. 
  • How long time page is viewed by the visitor. 
  • How much time spends by the visitor on the site or your blog. 
  • Most viewed pages by the visitor. 
  • Most viewed Home page, Entry page, which you made more attractive. 
  • Easy and Good navigation through out the site. 
  • If any site is referring your site name or site URL on the Page.
Everyone has several questions how many visitors are coming on my website or blog, how many pages are viewed by a visitors, why visitors are leaving my site after visiting a single page, I have made a home page with good layout and user friendly still visitors are not spending much time on my site, which pages or contents do users like most, what are browsers and operating system are used by visitors, from  which location visitors are? To Resolve all queries of webmaster, web publisher Google has designed a tool called Google Analytics.You have to analyze the Google Analytics report and will have to make changes in your blog or website accordingly time to time.

Setup Google Analytics for Your Website :–
  1. Go to Google Analytics (http://www.google.com/analytics/) and sign up for a free account.
  2. While sign up Type the URL of your site and give the name of analytical account for this site or blog.
  3. Paste the HTML code from Google Analytics on your site or blog.
  4. Republish your site or blog.
Your blog or site will be now verified with Google Analytics, and you can use and manage your Analytics account to track the visitors to your site.You can create individual accounts for your different sites or blogs in  same Google analytics account, not need to signup again for the different sites or blogs.You can track several blogs or sites having only with single Google analytics Account. Now your job is to analyze Google analytic data on regular basis to optimize your website or blog.

To Know more see Google Analytics Blog - http://analytics.blogspot.com/

Create Ads For Promoting A Blog Or A Website

Everyone today want to promote his website or business , they want huge visitor or customer for his business but this is not an easy task to get instantly customer as you setup your business or hosting a website.To get huge visitors we required little promotion of the websites time to time or initially, you can start initially with little amount and as your business grow you can invest more for your advertising purpose and if you feel it not work for you you can stop any time running your advertisement.
You can go with 3 popular methods, however I like personally first one.
  1. Create and promote your ad using Google adwords program (https://adwords.google.com/)
  2. Create and promote your ad on facebok (http://www.facebook.com/)
  3. Create and manage your ad in linked in (https://www.linkedin.com/)

For all above methods you need to pay bid amount. Each site has different policy and different program .If you are running Google adsense or advertises on your site then it is good idea to promote your site may be at  margin cost you can get a huge profit . Let us see one example - suppose you pay 100 $ for the advertisement using any above methods and your site earned revenue from Google Adsense is 150 $ so you got the 50$ profit at your end .

Promote your website through online video -
YouTube.com is good medium for promoting your business or website, just add one video at least to promote your website, Make power point presentation and convert into video through the software and upload it on YouTube.com with public mode . It works a lot if really your video is views by various viewers .