There are lot of websites are on the internet, it is very difficult for the public to remember the name of website or blog. So before creating a domain or website spend some initial time on choosing name of the website.
Try to keep name as a unique one and easy to remember to the visitors. I want to share my analysis why big brands are spending time on choosing the name of the site. For an example,,, has chosen name of the website which has no meaning in the name but these are very easy to remember. So spend some time too to choose a website name which will become so easy to remember for a visitor or it should attract the people by Name itself.
Let us see few things are required to choose name-
1. Do not create the hyphen in the name of website, it is difficult for the visitor to remember the name.
2. Do not take more than 20 characters in the name of the website.
3. Try to make unique name of the website.
4. You can also create name as per your site contents.
5. If you are taking long name of the website, however it should have a meaning into the name.
To create a domain I recommend you for Hostgator and
If you are blogger user then can go with custom domain service, can buy the domain using the Google checkout payment service.
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