If you want to earn money then really it is not a simple or not an easy task, even to earn money online from any other program is also a Big deal, it needs your dedicated work hours and your time . If you are spending 2-3 hours per day then I can ensure you that you can earn money easily from the internet.
To start earn money from the Google Adsense program, Firstly you need a Website or Blog . If you do not have a website, can start with simply Blogger.com or Wordpress.com which are good platform for the beginners to Create a Blog and You can easily post your contents and can develop your Blog at high level with good layout designs and Templates.
Useful 10 Steps :
1. Post contents regularly basis, do not copy the content from the other site, you write the content in your way as per your blog title and description or topic.
2. Apply Search Engine optimization on your site, add Meta tags to make searchable through Search Engines.
3. Apply for a Google Adsense account if you had posted lot of contents or articles.Read Google Adsense policy clearly before applying.
4. Advertise your website or blog through Google Adwords.
5. Use Google analytics to understand how many visitors are coming to your blog or site and how many pages are seen by the visitors and how much time are spend by them.
6. Use Google Web Master tool for Search Engine Optimization.
7. Do not much focus on SEO part, Focus on good writings and useful posts.
8. To Promote your site join few communities and Forums and participate regularly.
9. Check and analyze daily basis Google Analytics Data.
10. Check your Traffic Rank time to time on http://www.alexa.com./ to analyze more your Web Traffic.
To start earn money from the Google Adsense program, Firstly you need a Website or Blog . If you do not have a website, can start with simply Blogger.com or Wordpress.com which are good platform for the beginners to Create a Blog and You can easily post your contents and can develop your Blog at high level with good layout designs and Templates.
Useful 10 Steps :
1. Post contents regularly basis, do not copy the content from the other site, you write the content in your way as per your blog title and description or topic.
2. Apply Search Engine optimization on your site, add Meta tags to make searchable through Search Engines.
3. Apply for a Google Adsense account if you had posted lot of contents or articles.Read Google Adsense policy clearly before applying.
4. Advertise your website or blog through Google Adwords.
5. Use Google analytics to understand how many visitors are coming to your blog or site and how many pages are seen by the visitors and how much time are spend by them.
6. Use Google Web Master tool for Search Engine Optimization.
7. Do not much focus on SEO part, Focus on good writings and useful posts.
8. To Promote your site join few communities and Forums and participate regularly.
9. Check and analyze daily basis Google Analytics Data.
10. Check your Traffic Rank time to time on http://www.alexa.com./ to analyze more your Web Traffic.