If you want start this small business and way of earning money then you should be a strong motivator and should have a good patience to earn money from the Google Adsense. It is completely time taking task, plenty of work required to make it successful, required a 3-4 hours daily to run this internet business from your daily routine life. However, if you are very new to the internet and Google Adsense,You do not know how to build a good looking blog or website and If you are making a number of general mistakes then almost result is zero and you will be rejected or banned from the Google Adsense.
The best way to get a Google Adsense publisher account and get an approved from the Google is - rather than focusing on signup first of Google Adsense Program must be focus on planning, designing and putting your website and content together in well manner. If possible for you try and put yourself in a good thinking where you only think about writing good and unique contents which has prime value to the readers.
One of the best ways to go about doing this is to get a free blog at Blogger.com. You can use a free Gmail account to login into the site and create a free blog. Blogger is easy way to join and User layout is very easy to use. You can post the articles, add images and video and can even change look of the layout if you know a little html code. Ad widgets change look and feel. Write a number of good quality posts and if you reaches to more than 30 numbers of quality posts and visitor are coming from a Google Search in your Blog or Website which shows that your websites contents are indexed or considered properly by Google then only apply for your Google Adsense Publisher account. I can ensure you, you will be approved by Google for running a Google Ads on your Website, not rejected at all.
Few Top most things still need to check before apply for Google Adsense -
1. Page Layout or Page Type
2. Color combination on Pages.
3. Quality Content or Page Contents and these should be legal.
4. No Broken link, Easy Navigation on Websites.
5. Speed of a loading of a each Page.
6. Your website should have your own domain like "www.HappyEarning.com".
7. You Site should comply with Google policy and webmaster guidelines.
8. Your content should not be copied from any website or any forum.
9. Provide all Relevant Information while apply for Google Adsense Account.
Keep learning and enjoy earning!!!