Google Instant Search and Google Chrome With 4 Search Engine

The new feature has been developed by Google recently, they have implemented instant search in Google chrome browser as it was working before while we are searching in

Now there is no need to open and we can directly search in Google chrome and it will fetch result data directly from search engines instantly at the moment as you type search string in the browser, no need to click on search button, you will get search result in seconds . New feature also gets search string list from browser history too.As you change your typing , the result set changes accordingly.New Google Chrome browser has launched now and you can download easily from below link –
Asking to choose search Engine while doing setup Google Chrome -
When you do setup of Google chrome it will prompt you with choosing search engine, you can choose any search engine from 4 search engine Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask Search. I had chosen my favorite Google.

Google Instant Search –
Searching in a Google chrome also become a faster, Google made it faster by 2.5 seconds. For Example if any search was taking 7 seconds for fetching data from Search Engine or Google bot, now it will take only 5.5 seconds .It will make little affect on Page Rank, web traffic and SEO too.Google has just launched google instant search on and for Google India ( ) both.

Before Google Chrome Browser, we had the same instant search while doing search in Look at below Image.  

Change theme of Google Chrome Browser –
You can change also theme of Google Chrome browser any time, it is easy to do, just click on below link and say apply theme and theme will apply in seconds for your Google chrome browser.

Replicating same idea so many people -
So many people have started to create the same idea for getting videos as you type and get job list as you type.So many new websites introduced which are implementing the same idea in their websites or blogs.