I had surprised one day when I have posted 68 nice posts and whenever I had submitted the sitemap it shows always 26 submitted and 25 or 24 in web index. I started to think why only 25 or 24 posts have indexed by Google in out of 68 posts. The Reason is If you are submitting simple sitemap URL then it will take always only latest 26 URL from sitemap and recent top 26 pages will be crawled by Google spider or Google Bot. So for achieving indexing of all pages we required to make a little change in common sitemap URL.
1. Common Sitemap URL -
In this sitemap only 26 URL will be considered by Google and will be crawled from out of 26.It counts from recent posts.For an example if I have 200 Pages for my blog then this common sitemap URL will not work.
2. SitemapURL crawled 100 pages -
Suppose if you want to crawl 100 pages from your blog then sitemap URL will be as written below
It indicates that starting index is 1 and Max 100 pages will be crawled by Google spider.
3. Sitemap URL crawled more than 100 Pages-
If you further want to submit pages to Google webmaster to crawl then sitemap URL will change see little difference below-
Start-Index will be changed to 100 and max-result will be set by 200. It indicates that up to 200 pages will be indexed from 101 Index.So this is very nice way to submit all pages to Google. You will get more visitors if all pages have well placed or indexed . Submit your blog in Google webmaster tool by changing your site name.
How to Submit a Sitemap to Google –
1. Login in Google webmaster tool https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home?hl=en
2. Click on Site Configuration > Sitemap
3. Click on Submit a Sitemap
4. Enter remaining URL after your Domain Name URL –
If you have less than 26 post then you can post default sitemap URL that is written below.
5. After posting wait for at least half an hour or more than to see submitted URL and Indexed number of pages, login again web master tool.