Transfer Money Online from ICICI Bank Account to Other Bank Account

Now-a-days everyone want to do online payment, online transfer through internet from Home or Office, None have much time to visit a bank. As internet is growing day by day we will have to learn making online transfer, bill payment.To make online payment just a few clicks required as you have done while withdrawing money from ATM.You need to follow below steps to learn how to transfer money from an ICICI a/c to other a/c.

Who is Payee:-
Payee is to whom you want to transfer amount.An Adding payee is just a adding phone number in to mobile phones. Whenever you want to transfer money to your relatives or friend, can transfer money easily from Internet anywhere in India.

What is URN Number :- URN is unique registration number which will be sending on your registered mobile with ICICI Bank for making secure transaction and validate a owner of the account.

Adding Payee First for Transfer Process :-

1. Open website
2. Select Personal and click Continue to Login.
3. Login with your Internet Banking User Id and Password.
(Apply for first Internet banking if you do not have right now, Go in ICICI bank branch or you can apply online with same website www.ICICI
4.Enter One Time Password  - This OTP password is auto generated and will be sent on your registered mobile with Bank.
5. Left menu has option of Funds Transfer, Click on Fund Transfer.

6. Three Types to Transfer the funds from ICICI Bank accounts -

Your Own ICICI Bank Account :– You can transfer money to your own linked ICICI Bank account from your's ICICI Bank account itself.

Other ICICI Bank Account :– You can transfer money from ICICI Bank Account to other ICICI Bank Account.

Non ICICI Bank Account :– You can transfer money from ICICI Bank Account to Others Bank Accounts like PNB, SBI, Axis Bank, Allahabad Bank, HDFC  Bank and others many Banks too.

7. Select Non ICICI Bank Account option to transfer money to other bank account.
8. You need to register first Payee to whom you want to transfer Money.Click on Add Payee
9. Enter Payee Name (Name must be as per bank record), Payee Nick Name (You can write any), Account Type.
10. Choose IFSC code or Location option, if you don’t know the IFSC code of Payee bank then you can select location option.
(Each branch of bank has different IFSC code which is 9 digits number, its an identification number of branch bank and written on each cheque, Ask the same from Payee for IFSC code or better to choose location if he is not able to provide you)
11. Enter City – Enter only first 3 character of city and you will be getting the list of cities start with 3 characters, Select the exact city of Payee from the List.
12. Click on Find Banks in this city Button at the right side.
13. Choose Payee Bank from the List.
14. As you say Next, URN (Unique Register Number) will be sending on your registered mobile number, you need to enter same number in Confirm Payee section for completing formalities for adding a Payee.
( This service applicable only for a Registered Mobile with ICICI Bank, if your mobile is not registered then go in ICICI Bank branch and apply for first registering a mobile, and if your mobile has got changed then also go for changing your mobile number)
15. Now you can transfer the money to same Payee from below steps.

How to Transfer Money to Added Payee :–
Repeat up to step 5 again from above for confirming a Payee.
1. Select Confirm Payee. Enter URN number which has send on your mobile number, URN number is unique registration number which is used for securing and safe your transaction.
2. Now Select Payee to Make Payment – Click on Make Payment
3. Choose Payee from Registered Payee Grid.
4. Say Next
5. Enter Transaction Amount
6. Transaction Remark
7. Pay Now

 a) If you selecting Pay Now the payment will be proceed for transferring for same day.

 b) If you are choosing payment for scheduling then you need to enter the date when this payment   needs to be processed and Choose Payment Frequency.

  • One Time Payment – Payment is not at regular basis, only for this time.
  • Weekly Payment –    Regular payment weekly on given date for same amount.
  • Monthly Payment –   Month wise payment on given date for same amount.
  • Numbers of payments – How many payments of same amount need to pay to the Payee in Particular Payment Frequency?

7. Say Next - Enter your Internet banking transaction password.
8. Enter the Digits from your debit card for given alphabets, see on back side of your debit Card ATM.
9. Say Ok
10.You have successfully transferred amount to the Payee, close Website or Browser after doing transaction.

Amount will be credited in Payee account with in 1-4 working days,Generally it credited next day in Payee account.

Don't / Does for a Money Transfer  -
  • Do not share Internet banking username and both passwords with others, even need not to share with customer care.
  • Do not do any transaction in front of other person.
  • Do not send username and password in Mails to anyone.
  • Do not store username and password in e-mails / Mobiles.
  • Do sign out after making a Transaction / Transfer. 
  • Close Browser  completely after making a Transaction / Transfer.