Everybody want to speak English, it’s become an essential part of life. I think every place you need to speak in English a little. I would say you must speak English often so you could build up your confidence. I am covering today way to speak soft and very clear. Soft Spoken English makes a very good impression on others.When you are questioning to someone, asking something, you can ask very softly to someone and it leaves a good impression.
Suppose You want to say someone –
Have you checked my mail?
Have you done this?
Have you replied me?
Have you watched this movie?
Have you read today’s new paper?
Have you made request for creating my mail id.
Have you checked documents which I have sent you yesterday?
These above sentences are right for speaking but if you feel there is someone who is elder then you and you are giving little respect. We must speak very soft when you are making conversation to your Boss, Client, and Customer.
You should start these above sentences with-
Did you get chance to check my mail?
Did you get chance to do this?
Did you get chance to reply me?
Did you get chance to watch this movie?
Did you get chance to read today’s news paper?
Did you get chance to make request for creating my mail id.
Did you get chance to check documents which I have sent you yesterday?
Avoid uses of "Tell Me". Use "Let me know" in place of.
Tell me when you back.
Tell me if any concern.
Tell me as you done this.
Tell us as you finish this work.
Start with Let me know or Let us Know all above sentences.
Let me know when you back.
Let me know if any concern.
Let me know as you done this.
Let us know as you finish this work.
In place of "Can", Using "could" is better to make little stylish English.See examples -
Can you give more examples on this?
Can you pass paneer please?
Can you ask him to come here?
Could you give more examples on this?
Could you pass paneer please?
Could you ask him to come here?
Do not worry - Use "not to worry" some places instead "do not worry".
Need not to worry, I will take care of it.
Not to worry, I will handle it.
There are many more examples which will make stylish English. Make your practice of soft spoken English.Try to notice others, how they speak.
Suppose You want to say someone –
Have you checked my mail?
Have you done this?
Have you replied me?
Have you watched this movie?
Have you read today’s new paper?
Have you made request for creating my mail id.
Have you checked documents which I have sent you yesterday?
These above sentences are right for speaking but if you feel there is someone who is elder then you and you are giving little respect. We must speak very soft when you are making conversation to your Boss, Client, and Customer.
You should start these above sentences with-
Did you get chance to check my mail?
Did you get chance to do this?
Did you get chance to reply me?
Did you get chance to watch this movie?
Did you get chance to read today’s news paper?
Did you get chance to make request for creating my mail id.
Did you get chance to check documents which I have sent you yesterday?
Avoid uses of "Tell Me". Use "Let me know" in place of.
Tell me when you back.
Tell me if any concern.
Tell me as you done this.
Tell us as you finish this work.
Start with Let me know or Let us Know all above sentences.
Let me know when you back.
Let me know if any concern.
Let me know as you done this.
Let us know as you finish this work.
In place of "Can", Using "could" is better to make little stylish English.See examples -
Can you give more examples on this?
Can you pass paneer please?
Can you ask him to come here?
Could you give more examples on this?
Could you pass paneer please?
Could you ask him to come here?
Do not worry - Use "not to worry" some places instead "do not worry".
Need not to worry, I will take care of it.
Not to worry, I will handle it.
There are many more examples which will make stylish English. Make your practice of soft spoken English.Try to notice others, how they speak.