If your computer got crashed or hard disk got formatted then it would be difficult to get data and you have lost also your photos and few important documents.To prevent this incident to happen further you can upload all the documents in Google Docs, so if computer got crashed then you don't need to much bother about the data and all the photos & documents, media files are safe online in the Google docs.
- You can create a documents online such as Excel file, Word document, presentation, forms, drawing.
- You can upload files and even you can upload whole folder.
- You can upload images, videos and documents and media files like mp3 as well.
- Yo can download the uploaded files anytime from anywhere.
- You can share documents to others by adding email address, anyone can update the same document and you would able to see the changes done by others.
- You can make all the images or documents public from private to share with all.
- You can add description with each image and documents.
- You can upload Zip file and rar file also in Google Docs and can view the same.
- Free storage of Google Docs is 1 GB, you can add more storage using add storage option, and Google is proving 20GB space storage in 5$ for a year, you can choose other options too if you want to get more storage.
- You can publish any documents as web, and document will be display like website.
- You can search uploaded documents in Google Docs.
- You can rename, copy , delete the documents.
- You can not listen the media files as this feature not available yet, uploaded videos you can watch.