Get Status of Current Running Train, Delay Time and Arrival Status by Train Name or Number using Trains Tab:
Enter the Train Name or Train Number in search box and get the status of a running Train.
Get List of Trains Arriving and Departures At Station by Station Name using Stations Tab :
Provide Station Code or Station Name and get the list of trains arriving trains at this station in next 2 hours and 4 hours.You may get status of Delay Time as well as by selecting a particular train.
Get List of Trains Between One Station to Other Station by Station Codes using Stations Tab :
Provide a Code of two stations.For an example enter in search NDLS to LKO, Pune to Goa.
Get List of Current Special Trains :
Special trains are running due to some reason and valid for specific date ranges.Select train and get the information about the train.
Get List of Cancelled Trains :
Get list of cancelled trains for the day.
Get Seat / Berth / PNR Status :
Enter your 10 Digit PNR number which is written on your ticket and get the current status of your seat / berth.
Do any Complain or Track your Complain :
Use Rail Radar to visualize All Running Trains
Use SMS Service
Get Railway Station Code :
To get the Railway station type initial 3-4 character of any station.
Do any Complain or Track your Complain :
Use Rail Radar to visualize All Running Trains
Use SMS Service
Locate Running Train Status by Sending SMS :
Type SPOT 12533 and send it to 139 where 12533 is a train number.Type your Train Number.
Type LOCATE 12533 and send it to 139 where 12533 is a train number.Type Your Train Number.
Get Seat / Berth / PNR Status by sending SMS :
Type PNR number 10 digits and send it to 139.
Get Arrival and Departure Time of Train by sending SMS :
Type TIME 12533 and send it to 139 where 12533 is a train number.Type your train number.
Type PNR number 10 digits and send it to 139.
Get Arrival and Departure Time of Train by sending SMS :
Type TIME 12533 and send it to 139 where 12533 is a train number.Type your train number.