New rules has been framed for booking of Tatkal tickets, this declaration announced by Union Railway Minister Dinesh Trivedi. Now you can book ticket only 24 hours before.
- Tatkal Ticket can book only 24 hours before not more than that , suppose you have journey on 15 November 2011 then You can apply for a Tatkal Tickets from 14 November 2011 only. Railway have reduced one day from earlier Tatkal restriction of 2 days.You can do Tatkal ticket one day before not two days before.
- Booked confirmed Tatkal Ticket can be cancelled but no refund will be processed for the same, earlier 25 % money was refundable.
- Booked waiting Ticket has process of refund of an amount as was earlier so.
- If Tatkal Ticket has misplaced or lost by you, which you had taken from Railway window then Duplicate Ticket will not be issued, If issued somehow then you will have to pay whole amount of the ticket again.
- One PNR or One Tatkal Ticket will be allow for only 4 passenger / 4 berths, earlier it was for 6 passenger / 6 berths.
- CCTV cameras will be allotted on Railway Tatkal window to avoid black marketing of a Railway Tatkal Ticket.
- Tatkal Ticket booking duration time slot will be 8 to 10 AM morning and agents will not allowed so for.The same slot will be applicable for E-booking through the Internet IRCTC website.
- A photocopy needs to be attached with the Reservation form while submitting this on Reservation window.While for Online reservation you will have to provide your Identity Details like Pan card Number, Driving License Number, Voter ID details, Student ID details etc.Final Reservation chart may include one column to display identity numbers.
Note : Indian Railway will take more than week to apply these rules, I will update you as these rules will be applicable to the Tatkal Ticket.