has got live as in India, has tied up with many Indian sellers websites and seller websites will be responsible for the payment and delivery of a product. When you buy the product from which is powered by, it redirects the page to Sellers website and you can make payment from this website.You can use your credentials to make login in
Seller website is only responsible for the product delivery to the consumer. Junglee.Com is currently just a view of products at a glance, you can find the same product as you have on but selling of a product will be performed by sellers websites.
Seller website is only responsible for the product delivery to the consumer. Junglee.Com is currently just a view of products at a glance, you can find the same product as you have on but selling of a product will be performed by sellers websites.
Really Big names are coming today in online merchants in India. The most popular shopping sites of India Flipcart and Infibeam will have immediate impact on the business and competition will increase among all in service of a product, delivery of a product and price of a product.