If you love reading , surfing the website and want to store articles and web pages, you can save in PDF format, only thing is that you must have installed Google Chrome Browser at your computer, if you open any website in Google Chrome then you can directly save the pages in PDF and you can enjoy reading offline too.You need to press only CTRL + P and it will pop up a dialog as shown below, check Save as a PDF selected, and click on Save to save Web Page in PDF.
This will very helpful when we are doing any payment through online and want to save it as future reference, this feature will help a lot in many ways like downloading PDF of web pages, in conversations to solve the problem and issues if someone not able to use screenshot feature and describe the issue.So you had got the idea to convert webpage to PDF.
This will very helpful when we are doing any payment through online and want to save it as future reference, this feature will help a lot in many ways like downloading PDF of web pages, in conversations to solve the problem and issues if someone not able to use screenshot feature and describe the issue.So you had got the idea to convert webpage to PDF.