From today onward ( 10 Oct 2012, Wednesday ) all running trains have been live on Google maps with cosmetic display. The Center for Railway Information Systems (CRIS) has just launched Rail Radar ( रेल रडार ) an interactive map which will display all running trains at a glance and you may also find current status of a running train.You may search the train from left side corner by giving train number or station name.Click or hover on Train Icon to know current status of running train.Blue color trains are on the time and red color trains are delayed by some time.Click on train icon to know delayed time. If you click on the particular station then you will get a status of all trains coming at this station. Live data is refreshed in each 5 minute as Google map is taking own time to be refreshed.A Good visualization of all running trains and its traffic in different different routes.Iconic legends are given to understand clearly the status of trains and arrival stations.This live train tracker has tremendous features which use real time train information data and updating through API.CRIS also planning to install GPS devices in all trains in the next year. GPS devices have been installed successfully in 360 trains till now, running trains in Chennai.