Learn Uses of Has to, Have to and Had to

Has to, Have to : are another way of speaking which we need to use when any task you need to finish after some time or you had taken decision that I have to do it any how or someone has suggested you as a mandatory that you have to do it any how for the today or in the future.
Had to: is another way of speaking which is used when any action not did till now or have forgotten to do it, then we are using “Had to”.
Don’t have to / does n’t have to: is also another way of speaking which is used for action which is either not going to complete or not need to do it. We can say this is basically used when any one is denying performing any action.
Note: Generally when we are using “to” and any verb we need to put after that then verb’s first form comes. I am taking few examples which will elaborate  ways of speaking.

1. I have to think on this.
   मुझे इस बात पर विचार करना है |
2. I have to prepare lunch right now.
    मुझे अभी लंच बनाना है |
3. I have to finish this work anyhow by end of day.
    मुझे किसी भी तरह से दिन के अंत तक  यह वर्क फिनिश करना है |
4. He has to clean the house today.
    उसे आज घर की सफाई करनी है |
5. I have to go on foot.
    मुझे पैदल जाना पड़ता है |
6. I have to inform him today.
     मुझे आज उसे इन्फोर्म करना है |
7. He has to return form to bank tomorrow.
    उसे कल फॉर्म बैंक को वापस करना है |

1. He had to leave the job.
     उसे जॉब छोडनी पड़ी |
2.  I had to deposit 5000 rupees in my account yesterday.
      मुझे कल मेरे अकाउंट में ५००० रूपये जमा करने थे |
3. You had to respond him yesterday itself.
       तुम्हे उसे कल ही जवाब देना था |
 4. Had you to wait long.?
       क्या तुम्हे बहुत देर तक इन्तजार करना पड़ा |
 5. You had to tolerate all this because of me.
        तुम्हे मेरी वजह से ये सब सहना पड़ा |
6. You had to call his family for lunch today.
       तुम्हे आज लंच में उसके परिवार को बुलाना था |
7. She had to perform classical dance.
       उसे क्लास्सिकल डांस करना था |

1. I do not have to phone him.
      मुझे उसे फ़ोन नहीं करना है |
2. I did not have to sell house.
       मुझे घर नहीं बेचना पड़ा |
3. We do not have to come college tomorrow.
      हमें कल कॉलेज  नहीं आना है |
4. I did not have to go office yesterday.
      मुझे कल ऑफिस नहीं जाना था |

Now Make Phone or Mobile Calls from Gmail and Gtalk

Google is all set to allow users to make phone calls from Gmail service, with the new facility Gmail users will able to make call on landline phones as well as on mobiles phones from their Gmail account and GTalk service. In coming days Google is launching this service which would have option of call phone in the chat list and you need to click on, where you need to  enter the dialing number and can make call to anyone and in the country as well outside of the country. Google is going ahead of Skype and they have huge users of internet telephone calls. Google is making it have been very easy for everyone who is using a Gmail service. In beginning of launching the calls would be free of cost at trial and testing basis for few countries.
Call to the US and Canada will be free of cost for at least rest of the year and call to other countries will be charged at low rates. Call to India would be charged at $.06 per minute. You can make video chat as well, for that you have to install Gmail voice and video chat installer .

Now it’s been easy to stay in touch with your friends and family members using your microphone and speakers. But it works only when both people have signed at internet in the Gmail or GTalk account. It does not mean that we need to sit on computer for the whole day for talking to someone over phone for that we can use our mobile phone as well, can call from there at a cheaper rate to belongings.

Computer / Laptop Started to Hang and How to Stop Not to Be Hanged

I have faced this problem a lot my computer hangs frequently after 10 days or in a day 2 -3 times, sometime my computer hangs after booting itself  so I decided to write the tips on my blog . There are certain points due to that computer can be hanged . I have also covered how can you make your healthy computer by routine checks and resolve issue not to be hanged . If from below checklist you are doing at least 2-3 things in a month or weekly basis then I can ensure your computer can not be hanged and you will enjoy working on computer 24 hours.

1. Overheating of processor or Motherboard : 
Overheating can be happened only if fan is not working or your computer is not getting cooling so much, another thing can be that if you have covered your CPU by any cover then also can be problem and it can increase heat to the processor so remove the cover first to check this issue or check fan is working or not.

2. Computer can be hanged due to Modem :
I faced one day this issue, computer hangs when connected to internet.When my computer was not working and I had tried all the things but still my computer was not working when I used to start my computer after just few minutes or hours it has hanged very badly.So to resolve this issue, I analyze and turned off my modem for whole day, that day I used the computer without the internet then I realized that computer is not hanged single time in a day, it was very surprising for me.
Next day I made the request to customer care and say to change the modem, it seems modem is hanging my computer, but they refused me and said it can’t be how modem can be hanged the computer this is problem in your computer but I was not agree with customer care executive and said okay I can understand this can be issue mine however could you send the engineer who can change my modem for a while so I can check the issue and Engineer came and as he replaced the modem with new one my computer get started working fine even I am surfing on the internet too, so that day I was very happy with my analysis by which I resolved the issue.

3. Operating System is corrupted :
Sometime operating system is not working correctly or any file is not accessible which is in use while running the computer or any file can be corrupted due to virus on your computer. So to resolve this issue re-install the operating system and check it again now.

4. Kill unnecessary applications and processes running on the computer :
If you got stuck and your computer has been hanged then press 3 key at once ALT + CTRL +DEL and you will be seeing a task Manager window , you can close the running applications and as well as unexpected process in your computer. Be careful while deleting the process because system processes which operating system services are also running on the system so do no kill those process.

5. At least 512 MB RAM Required :
To run a computer normal RAM is required that is 512 MB RAM. If you have installed so many softwares on your machine then you need to be enhancing a RAM. Sometimes computer is hanged because of less RAM.

6. Delete all files of %temp% directory :
When we are using an internet some defaults files are stored in temp folder. So delete all the files which are stored here.
To delete from temp folder –
Go in Start –Choose Run window and type %temp%.
Delete all the files inside this folder.

7. Delete Temporary files, cookies, history from Internet Explorer :
Open any internet Explorer - Go in Tools – Options and delete the all files, cookies  and history as red outlined marked in the below images.
Internet Explorer Browser settings
Google Chrome Browser Settings

8. Delete files from windows Temp folder :
This can be cause also to be hanged the computer, delete all the files from temp folder which resides in windows directory.

9.At least 1 GB Hard Disk space should be free all the time in Operating System Drive :
Generally while we are installing the operating system and choosing the drive C: for storing the windows and program files. So C drive should have at least one GB hardisk space should freeze all the time, this should not full any time.

10. Scan your computer  with latest anti virus :
While we are using an internet then there are chances to come virus in your computer via internet while downloading something or surfing the any website. So to remove the virus scan your full computer with latest anti virus and vault / move  all the virus which found during the scan.

11. Uninstall the unused software time to time :
If you are not using any software which you had installed few months ago or no use of that now then you should uninstall that software.

To Remove the software or uninstall the software you need to go in Control Panel from START.

Open Add Remove / Program Window.

Click on remove button as shown in the red outlined in below image.

12. De-fragment the Hard disk Drives ( C:, D:, E: ) :
De-fragmentation is very important for the computer at least once in a month or once after each two month computer should be defragmented. Defragmentation is process of arranging memory in hard disk in appropriates sectors.
To do defragmentation simply right click on any drive and go in the properties, go in tools tab as displayed in below image.

13.Weekly basis do Disk Cleanup -
There are so many files, those are unwanted and created automatically on the computer while you are browsing any website, opening any software or any other activities.These files are taking too much space on C drive (Operating System Installment Drive ), So to remove simply click right mouse button on C or D drive then look at properties, You will get the options of Disk Cleanup, click on Disk Cleanup. As you click on Disk Cleanup, computer will analyze that how many files can be deleted, wait until analyze task is not completed and prompted to ask are you to Delete the files , Say OK.All unwanted files will delete from the computer, this way will increase the space in Operating System Drive.
Step 1 :-

Step 2:-

Learn Uses of Could have, Should have, Would have, Will have

I will be covering could have, should have, would have and will have in this post.These way of speakings make to the people very confused.I will be taking few examples which will help you lot to make clear difference in all.

Uses of could have -
Could have used basically used when any task or work have not done and someone is capable to do it.

1. You could have watched movie.
    तुम मूवी देख सकते थे |
2.  He could have run more.
    तुम और दोड़ सकते थे |
3. You could have caught him.
     तुम उसे पकड़ सकते थे |
4. You could have done better.
      तुम अच्छा कर सकते थे |
5.  They could have done hard work.
     वे कठिन मेहनत कर सकते थे |
6.   She could have decorated her home.
     वह अपना घर सजा सकती थी |
7.  You could have used my laptop.
      तुम मेरा लैपटॉप ले सकते थे |

Uses of should have -

should have just similar to could have only difference is that it is use when someone is talking about the past event which is not completed or done.We can say this is suggestion which is not done.

1. You should have participated in annual function.
    तुम्हे वार्षिक उत्सव मे भाग लेना चाहिए था |
2. They should have attended the meeting.
    उन्हें मीटिंग मे उपस्थित होना चाहिए था |
3. She should have responded.
    उसे उत्तर देना चाहिए था |
4. You should have phoned me yesterday.
     तुम्हे कल फ़ोन करना चाहिए था |
5. You should have opened a grocery shop.
    तुम्हे ग्रोसरी शॉप खोलनी चाहिए था |
6.  She should have sung.
     उसे गाना चाहिए था |
7. She should have worn new sari.
     उसे नयी साडी पहननी चाहिए था |
     Uses of Will Have to-
When any action or task we have to do in the future then we are using will have to.
1. I will have to see.
    मुझे देखना होगा |
2. You will have to wait hour long at airport.
    तुम्हे एअरपोर्ट पर घंटा भर इन्तिज़ार करना पड़ेगा |
3. You will have to come daily on time.
    तुम्हे रोज समय पर आना पड़ेगा |
4.  I will have to put luggage on the roof of the bus.
     मुझे सामान बस की छत पर रखना पड़ेगा |
5.  You will have to work harder.
     तुम्हे और हार्ड वर्क करना होगा |
6. We will have to keep in mind this.
    हमें यह ध्यान में रखना पड़ेगा |
7. I will have to think.
    मुझे सोचना पड़ेगा |
Keep forming new sentences.One day your brain will speak a lot in English. 

Learn Uses of Used to and Be Used To

Used to basically used to explain about your past activity, any task or job which you were doing in the past not in the present.
I will take few good examples to understand clearly that when you will use "used to" in your conversation.Understand below examples and make it practice day by day while you are talking with others and try to form new sentences with new verbs or add something new which you want to explain to others about your past activity.

1. I used to go office by bus but I go by car now.
    मै बस से ऑफिस जाया करता था लेकिन अब  कार से जाता हूँ |
2. We used to play cricket.
    हम क्रिकेट खेला करते थे |
3. When I was bachelor I used to watch one movie in a week.
    जब मै बेचलर था हफ्ते में एक मूवी देखा करता था |
4. He used to come here before. 
    वह पहले यहाँ आया करता था |
5. You used to live in Delhi then.
    तुम तब दिल्ली में रहते थे |
6. He used to lie to get done work from someone. 
    वह किसी से काम  लेने के लिए झूट बोलता था |
7.  He always used to carry notepad in the meeting. 
     वह हमेशा मीटिंग में नोट बुक ले  जाता था |
8. You always used to forget to bring a book. 
     तुम हमेशा बुक लाना भूल जाते थे |
How you to make the same above sentences with negative statement and Introgative statement. see Examples in 9 and 10 .
9.  You used not to go there before.
     तुम पहले वहा नहीं जाते थे |
10.Used you to watch movie before? or Did you use to watch movie before.
      क्या तुम पहले मूवी देखते थे |
In the 10 , you can make the same using did as well with first form use in place of used.      

A big difference in "Be Used to" with using "Used to". As I told earlier Used to used for describing something which had finished in the past and you are telling in the present.But " is used to ", " am used to ", " was used to " , " were used to "  is used to explain habits of current,past and future.

Now a days "Get used to" and "become used to" is much used in place of "Be used to".

I will take few good examples which will make you clear.

1. I am used to Tea.
   मुझे चाय की आदत है |
2.We are used to these things.
    हमे इन बातो की आदत है |
3. I got used to work late night.
   मुझे देर तक काम करने की आदत हो गयी है |
4. I became used to speak loudly.
    मुझे तेज बोलने की आदत हो गयी है |

So make practice of forming more new sentences in your way and use those same in your conversation when needs of it.

Learn Uses of What, When , Where , Why , How, Who, Whom

As I have started speaking English, the theme of this Perfect English label is starting with small small sentences which are helping you a lot while speaking, making confidence and control on speaking. Make practice of below given sentences and generate many more sentences in your way.I will be covering in this post uses of what, when, why, where, how, who, whom.I will be taking more on this in the next post.Speak with many people as much as possible and use English while making conversation with anyone.

Uses of What -

1.What do you do ?
    तुम क्या करते हो |
2.What are you saying ?
    तुम क्या कह रहे हो |
3. What are you looking for ?
     तुम क्या ढूंढ रहे हो |
4. What did he tell you ?
     उसने तुम्हे क्या बताया |
5. What did you like ?
     तुम्हे क्या अच्छा लगा |

Uses of When - 

1.When did you leave the job ?
    तुमने नौकरी कब छोड़ी |
2. When do you go to bed ?
    तुम कब सोते हो |
3. When did you come to know ?
    तुम्हे कब पता चला
4. When do you get up ?
     तुम कब उठते हो
5.  When did you meet him ?
      तुम उससे कब मिले |

Uses of How -

1. How are you ?
    तुम कैसे हो | 
2. How are you feeling now ?
    तुम्हे अब कैसा लग रहा है |
3. How do you come to know this ?
    तुम यह कैसे जानते हो |
4. How did you guess this ?
    तुमने यह अंदाजा कैसे लगाया |
5. How will you do ?
    तुम कैसे करोगे |
Uses of Where -

1.Where shall I put this ?
    मै यह कहाँ रखूँ |
2. Where will you go now ?
    तुम अब कहाँ जाओगे |
3. Where are you coming from ?  
 तुम कहाँ से आ रहे हो |
4. Where do you live ?
     तुम कहाँ रहते हो |
5. Where are you going ?
     तुम कहाँ जा रहे हो |
Uses of Why -
1.Why do you think so ?
    तुम्हे ऐसा क्यों लगता है
2. Why are you looking so sad ?
   तुम इतने दुखी क्यों दिखाई दे रहे हो |
3.Why are you behaving like this ?
    तुम ऐसा आचरण क्यों कर रहे हो |
4. Why did you not prepare tea ?
    तुमने चाय क्यों नहीं बनायीं |
5. Why are you not telling me ?
    तुम मुझे क्यों नहीं बता रहे हो |
Uses of Who-
1. Who has come?
    कौन आया है |
2. Who did you come with?
    तुम किसके साथ आये |
3. Who were you talking to ?
     तुम किससे बात कर रहे थे |
4. Who had gone there ?
     वहां कौन गया था |
5. Who will do it ?
     यह कौन करेगा |
6. Who came first.
     पहले कौन आया |
Uses of Whom -
1. Whom had you asked ?
    उसने किससे पूछा था |
2. Whom did you ask ?
    तुमने किससे पूछा |
3. Whom are you telling this ?
     तुम यह किसे बता रहे हो |
4. Whom shall I ask  ?
    मै किससे पूछू |
5. Whom are you asking ?
    तुम किससे पूछ रहे हो |