Quick Start Google AdSense Revenue Sharing Program

If you don’t have knowledge of website creating, build web traffic, even not know HTML, no any idea how to write a blog or website then you can start with a Google adsense revenue sharing programs.It is very genuine program which gives a good percentage of  revenue share for writing something on others blog or websites. These blogs or websites are based on various topics.You can write about  the Resources ,  Entrance , can post any job , trainings , technical expertise , college details , school details , question papers , FAQ, fresher jobs, about employer, can share photos , can uploading videos etc. There are so many websites which has association with Google adsense program and providing revenue share on basis on user contribution on the website or blog. The tracking of the adsense Revenue directly handled by the Google only. If you have existing Google adsense account with you then you can start very quick and otherwise you have to wait for the some time ,apply for the google adsense account from google adsense revenue sites itself. But do after making a little contribution to the website or blog, write something on their blog or website then after apply for the Google adsense program,As google adsense team and revenue sharing program websites approved you in the system to look at your efforts and contribution.You will be earning to get the money in your Google adsense account.

To know more in the detail click here http://code.google.com/apis/adsense/revenuesharing.html

Start with below websites running a genuine revenue sharing program :
1.       http://indiastudychannel.com/adsense/ - A Knowledge Sharing
2.       http://www.flixya.com/revenue-share-program - A Video, photo uploading
3.       http://www.dotnetspider.com/adsense/          - Technical Knowledge, Interview Questions, Jobs Posting etc.
4.       http://hubpages.com/tour/affiliate/  - Hub Pages
5.       http://www.trendhunter.com/faq#_Toc143263544  - Trend Hunter Website
6.       http://www.shareyourexpertise.com/node/1229       - Share your Expertise

I will update more on the same if I got to know more genuine websites.

Adwords - How to Add, Edit and Delete Keyword

Keywords are very most preferred by the search engine while anyone searching in search and as search is performed result is displayed and Sponsored Links are displayed at the right corner.These Sponsored Links are run by google adwords program.This is another way to advertise the publisher sites or comapany sites as we have seen the first way was to display the ads on the publisher site of other publisher.

1. How to add Keyword –
To add keyword simply login into Google Adwords account and select the campaign then after select the an adgroup in which you want to add more keywords. Basically adgroup is nothing but an advertise which is created by google adwords owner. After selecting the adgroup, click on button add keyword. As you click a new big textbox will be shown just above to the button, you need to enter now each keyword per line individually. For an example if you want to put two keywords in the textbox i.e Google and Adsense then Google will be first line and AdSense will be the second line. If you feel it is re-work and time taking task then you can upload the excel file of the keywords and you can refer the same excel sheet for the next adding or deleting the keyword.

2. Re-estimate the Search Traffic -
You can re-estimate the search traffic for the both keyword which shows Avg. CPC, Clicks / Day, Cost / Day. You can chek form here how much money you need to put so for.  After doing above all the stuff click on save button. Both keywords would be added successfully in the Adgroup.

3. Edit the Keyword -
You can edit the keyword also, select any keyword from the list, you will see the small popup and change name of the keyword. For each keyword you can choose the option as Broad Match, Exact Match, Phrase Match. Analyze time to time each keyword and check also how many impressions done for the Adgroup and how many clicked done by the viewers on your ads.

4. Delete the Keyword -
If you see some keyword are rarely shown or have a bad score then you can delete them.To delete the keyword from the list, select any keyword or all the keyword and choose option for delete from the change the status on top header of the grid and delete the selected keywords.

How to Fill Tax Information for Google AdSense Payment

Google Ads are regulated from the U.S and According to the policy Indian publisher are considered as foreign publisher and Each foreign publisher other than U.S country they need to fill the Tax information details as once first time get credited 10 $ in the Google AdSense account, If they are not filling the Tax information then payment will be on the hold till that time.As information will be filled payment will be released immediately to the right person.

The Tax Information Page contains some set of questions, you need to choose “Yes” or “No” from following questions:
1. Are you a U.S Citizen, U.S resident alien, U.S Corporations, or a U.S Partnership?

2.  Do you own equipment in the U.S Related to your participation in AdSense?
(This includes owning a Hosting Service or Web server in the U.S. If you simply use or rent from a             U.S Hosting Company, you can choose “No” to this question)

3. Do you have employees in the U.S Related to your participation in adsense?
(This includes employees involved in setting up and maintaining, marketing and supporting your site among other things)

If you are in other country other than U.S and not relate to all above said question, you may choose “No” as an Answer and press the button Continue.You will get the new screen and you need to enter your valid Name and this name will be considered as your digital signature for the future purpose and verification for issuing the payment. You may also read the Payment Guide section to understand better on Adsense Payment.

For the U.S, they need to fill the social security number and other details as well on Tax Information Page.

To Fill the Tax Information , Login in the Google AdSense account, Click on the My Account Tab.You will get the Tax Information Sub Tab.Click on Tax Information page and submit the Information.

Create Advertise from Google Adwords Campaign

Publishers are worried that visitors are not coming to my site and they want to increase the audience. Really it is true without audience what is purpose to write the contents if no one reading at all. So many people are not writing for the money, only they have passion to write a blog or publish an article on the website. So I will cover in this article how to set and run ad campaign which will provide a huge visitor from the Google network.

To set and run the Google Adword campaign for your business, blog or website, need to follow below just few steps -

1. Login - Login in to Adwords account (Use Google Account Username and Password). www.adwords.google.com/

2. New Campaign - Click on Campaign Tab to create a new campaign, Click on New Campaign which inside the same tab.

3. Campaign Name - Provide the Campaign Name meaningful for the future reference.

4. Location and Language - Choose Location and Languages, Where you want to display the ads of your business, blog or website. You can choose very specific your country or state also to run the ads.

5. Bidding and Budget – There are two options  :

i) Manual Bidding – Manual bidding is default, and amount can be set by you which you want to spend for the day on click of your ads, you can set as per your easiness and flexibility .You can change also Daily Budget later if you feel it is less or more.

ii) Automatic Bidding - Automatic bidding performed by the Google adwords Program and it will have target of maximum click to reach to your daily budget.

6. You can Skip Ad Extension and Advance Setting part which is not mandate to run the campaign.

7. Save and Continue.

8. You will be redirect to Ad Group, Add New Add Group for your Ads.

Steps to create a New Ad Group -

1. Add Group Name – Name should be meaningful which you can refer in future.

2. Choose Type of Ad – i) Text Ad ii) Image Ad iii) Display Builder iv) Mobile ad

3. If chosen Text Ad then provides the Headline of the Ad, Description Line 1, Description Line 2, Display URL, Destination URL .Display URL will display at your ad and destination URL will open the link in browser.

4. Select the Keywords - Which fits to your business, blog or websites. Add in the left keyword list from right displayed keyword List.

5. You can skip the Placement Section as not mandatory.

6. Save Ad Group.

Now your Adword Campaign and Advertise group has been created sucessfully. You can create multiple ad groups under the same adwords campaign.

At the Last – You need to make the payment for running the ad word campaign on Google Network, Do the online payment from the Billing Tab – Select Make Payment Option.

After the Successful Payment, you ads would be run on the publisher sites by the Google and powered by Ads by Google.

I will take more on the same later if required to audience.

Required to Know About CIBIL and Credit History

Do you know term CIBIL , this is a credit information bureau called CIB who keeps his eyes on the credit history of loan or credit card ? It is brought by Govt. of India and RBI to make controls on Credit history and It looks on bad credit history and good credit history both. So many banks are member of CIBIL and they are restricted by the RBI to send the credit data of customer to RBI in case if not a regular payments from customer.One thing I want to make clear you CIBIL does not deny of any loan request it keeps only track record of repayment of your dues on loan or credit card, It denies by Bank itself on basis of repayment record and CIBIL score.

Credit history means – transactions of the credits which you have done while repayments of loan or credit card.History is getting considered for both bad credit record and good credit record.Bad credit record is called bad cibil data and good credit record is called as good cibil data .

What does mean by Bad Credit History or Bad Cibil Rating ?

The bad credit history means that you have not paid amount of your credit card outstanding or loan. If you are not paying regularly the payment then your credit history will generate as poor history and you will be demerited by credit information bureau and will be also demerited with bank from where you had taken credit card or loan as well as you will be getting demerit from RBI.It can create a big difficulty while you are applying for a home loan or business loan.

Do you know it can be very much dangerous to have a credit card, if you have a credit card and outstanding of that amount which you not paid till this time, please clear all outstanding amounts immediately and repay your outstanding always on the time, otherwise it creates sum of huge amount by adding interest every month.Do not ignore it, this can kill our dreams, so repay as soon as possible.

What does mean by Good Credit History or Good Cibil Rating ?

This is meant by regular payment of the credit card or personal loan and no ECS or check bounces while loan is running or having a huge outstanding on your credit card.

If demerit by CIBIL itself and CIBIL score will be decreasing  in the same proportionality.Immediately contact to the bank or CIBIL to find the reason being a CIBIL score down.

You would be surprised to know that CIBIL records are not only maintained  for bad history even good history records are also maintained by the cibil . It means once you have taken a loan or credit card then your transaction history will be inserting in the CIBIL data report .Only difference over here is that bad history records are inserted with some different codes and good history records have some different codes in the cibil data which used to recognize that your repayment has history of bad record or good record.

When you are applying for the loan or credit card then bank authority person reads these codes and basis on these codes they are deciding that loan or credit card will be applicable to applicant or not.

If your credit history is good then it is very easy to get easily loan or any credit card but other side it would be rejected from the bank in case of bad record of repayment in the CIBIL data.To make the good credit history make the payment as soon as possible of credit card or loan and save your future.

Do not proceed with the settlement procedure, if you go with the settlement process then different code will be written / inserted  in the cibil data report and there could be chances that you won't get the loan or credit card in the future and banks are able to read these codes.

In case of loan after all EMI or  in finishing of loan, get the NOC ( No Objection Certificate ) from the bank and If you have repaid all outstanding of the credit card then get NDC ( No Dues Certificate ) with zero balance statement . In case of NOC and NDC bank will have to send data to CIBIL to update your record for your zero outstanding.

Ask to bank officer about the above these documents and make good and happy future, Be little cautious when your are using the credit card or making repayment of your loan or credit card.

CIBIL report is not a free, It is chargeable, and you can make payment online too.

Learn to Get Your CIBIL Report : Click Here

Official CIBIL Website :

Please also Watch below Videos to Understand the CIBIL -

Credit Card and Loan Question / Answers -

Most 8 Google Adsense and Adwords terms

I want to educate you now about the some technical terms which are used in Google adsense earning calculations:

1. Page Impressions : It means the number of pages those are visited.

2. Page CTR % : It is called click through rate, below is formula to calculate it

CTR % = (No of clicks / page Impression) * 100

Outcome will come in percentage.

3. Page eCPM : It is the cost per 1000 page impressions and it is calculated by dividing total estimated earnings by the number of impressions in thousands.

Page eCPM = (Total Estimated Earning / Page Impressions) *1000

I want to educate also few more terms which are basically used in Google Adwords Campaign running:

4. Clicks : Count of clicks which are clicked on you’re running ads which you have been set by Google Adwords account.

5. Impressions : The no of total impressions of your advertise on others publishers sites.

6. CPC : This is cost per click which is decided by you while creating an google adwords account or can be in auto mode to set automatically. It indicates when someone click on your ads which are running on publisher sites then your account would be debited by cost per click amount automatically which is set by you.

7. Cost : This is an advertise cost which you are paying.

8. Budget : This is daily budget which is decided by the advertiser.

All Indian Bank Websites and their Toll Free Numbers

Every time people are searching on Google for bank toll free number, so I am providing you all banks number at a glance, If you feel any time this toll free number is wrong or have been changed which I have written over here then please write your valuable comment down after article post, I will make correct that number and If you feel any bank I have missed out to list down here then please do also comment to provide the name of that bank, I will add that bank along with bank's toll free number and website .

Just click on Bank Name at the left, It will open Bank Website .

Bank Websites                                     Toll Free Numbers   

1.  Alahabad Bank                                  1800220363

2.  Bank of Baroda                                 1800220400

3. Central Bank of India                          1800221622

4.  Deutsche Bank of India                      18002096601

5.  HDFC Bank                                      1800221006

6.  Indian Bank                                       18004253425

7. Jammu & Kashmir Bank              1800220600

8. Kotak Bank                                        1800116022,1800226022

9. Panjab National Bank                         18001802222

10. State Bank of Bikaner and jaipur       18001806005

11. State Bank of Patiyala                       1800112211

12. Tamilnad Mercantile Bank                 18004250426

13. Vijaya Bank                                      18004254066

14. Axis Bank                                         18002335577, 18002095577, 18001035577

15. Bank of India                                    022-40426006

16. Dhanlaxmi Bank                                18004251747

17. ICICI Bank                                       1800224848

18. Indian Overseas Bank                        18004254445, 18004257744

19. Karnataka Bank                                 18004251444

20. Laxmi Vilas Bank                               18004252233

21. State Bank Of India                            1800112211

22. State Bank of Travancore                    18004255566

23. Royal Bank of Scotland                       1800220808

24. Yes Bank                                            +91-99583909909

25. Bank of Maharashtra                           18002334525, 1800114747

26. Corporation Bank                                18004252407, 1800226606

27. Federal Bank                                       18004251199, 18004201199

28.  IDBI Bank                                          18002001947,1800226999, 1800221070

29. IndusInd Bank                                      1800220061

30. Oriental Bank of commerce                   18001801235

31. State bank of Indore                              18002336677

32. South Indian Bank                                 18008431800, 18008331800

Please add your Bank in Comment Section, If I forget to Add here. I will add the details of the bank and  updated toll free number

    10 Steps To Earn Money From Google Adsense

    If you want to earn money then really it is not a simple or not an easy task, even to earn money online from any other program is also a Big deal, it needs your dedicated work hours and your time . If you are spending 2-3 hours per day then I can ensure you that you can earn money easily from the internet.

    To start earn money from the Google Adsense program, Firstly you need a Website or Blog . If you do not have a website, can start with simply Blogger.com or Wordpress.com which are good platform for the beginners to Create a Blog and You can easily post your contents and can develop your Blog at high level with good layout designs and Templates.

    Useful 10 Steps :

    1. Post contents regularly basis, do not copy the content from the other site, you write the content in your way as per your blog title and description or topic.

    2. Apply Search Engine optimization on your site, add Meta tags to make searchable through Search Engines.

    3. Apply for a Google Adsense account if you had posted lot of contents or articles.Read Google Adsense policy clearly before applying.

    4. Advertise your  website or blog through Google Adwords.

    5. Use Google analytics to understand how many visitors are coming to your blog or site and how many pages are seen by the visitors and how much time are spend by them.

    6. Use Google Web Master tool for Search Engine Optimization.

    7. Do not much focus on SEO part, Focus on good writings and useful posts.

    8. To Promote your site join few communities and Forums and participate regularly.

    9. Check and analyze daily basis Google Analytics Data.

    10. Check your Traffic Rank time to time on http://www.alexa.com./ to analyze more your Web Traffic.

    Difficulties in Savings When Credit Card and Personal Loan

    I would make clear you when you take credit card and when required a personal loan. What are the benefits / losses to have a credit card and Loan?

    When Credit Card should use :-
    Credit Card is all the rage now, most of the websites prefers online purchasing through credit card only. So it is become a necessary for the people to have an at least one credit card for purchasing something online. As I spoken in earlier article credit card should use only for the small purchasing not for big purchasing. If you are using for big purchasing then it can make a little problem for you if you won’t able to repayment the amount. Credit Card companies are charging the 3.5 to 4 % interest rate per month on the dues amount after 45-52 days that is 42 to 48 % annually a huge interest rate in comparison of personal loan that is 14 to16 % annually. If you are not able to pay the credit card amount, immediately go for the personal loan and repay the whole amount of your credit card then you can save the interest rate which is applying regularly on your card.

    When Personal Loan is better :-
    A personal loan should take only for huge amount (40,000 INR to 60,000 INR) as per your needs. You can also take personal loan to avoid a huge interest rate on your credit card.

    Big Difference in Credit Card and Personal Loan :-

    1. Credit Card charges 42 % interest annually and personal charges 16 % annually.

    2. Credit card better for only small purchases, personal loan can be taken for big purchase.

    3. You can deposit the top up amount in the credit card but you can not make top up amount for the personal loan.

    4. You can repay all the dues as soon as possible for the credit card, in case of loan you have to go with the tenure period and all the EMI’s.

    5. If you not made regular payments then card will blocked after 3 months, in the loan bounce check charges would be applicable. But you can become defaulter in both cases if not paid.

    6. If huge dues amount then difficult to pay credit card, but possible to pay it by personal loan.

    7. Credit Card can stop your savings but personal loan not.

    I would take more technical and hidden things on the credit card in the next posts.

    More Links -

    Ways of Repayment Amount of Credit Card

    Credit Card is basically used for small purchasing not for big purchasing and you need to pay the same amount on the time. Suppose you have a credit card which has purchasing limit that is 50 thousand INR, and you have purchased goods of 30 thousand INR from your credit card.

    Please look below what are possible ways to pay the credit card –

    1. With in 52 days, you must pay the whole amount to avoid an Interest Rate.

    2. You can do phone to customer care of your credit card and can make EMI of 30,000 INR , In this case you need to pay little interest .Example – 5,500 INR per month and paying will be regularly up to 6 months.

    3. You can try to pay the half amount with in 52 days and rest of the amount in other month.

    4. You can divide the amount in 3 parts – Pay each month the same or more.

    5.You can also use some saving amount to clear the credit card outstanding.

    If you are failed in 4 possible ways and not able to make payment in max 2-3 months then Credit Card Company are charging too much from you. They are charging very high interest rate i.e. 3.5 to 4 % each month on your dues amount, and in this way your dues amount will be increasing month to month.

    I take an example suppose your dues amount is 30,000 INR and you are not paid the amount in two months then 3.5 to 4 % charge (42 % per annum) would be applicable on your dues amount that is 1050 to 1200 INR which will add continue in your credit account per month and your dues and interest amount will be increased proportionally.

    Some credit card company is also charging the late payment Fee, over limit Fee that is also too much which will also add along with dues amount.

    If you are not able to pay the dues amount 6 months or more than that then at the last you need to pay the huge amount which would be too much now.

    If you are avoiding the make payment then your credit history will demerit and you won’t get the loan in the future.

    Be Aware, spend money as per your needs not unnecessary spend.

    Use credit card for small purchases not for big purchases.

    More Links :

    How to Protect Your Credit Card From Online Fraud

    This is time to shop online anything. The online shopping has become easy simply because it saves both time and money. As online shopping is becoming easy for the peoples.Other side some peoples are trying to advantages from that, for them online shopping simply to steal card information for fraudulent use not more than that.They are trying to get the credit card  information and your personal information from the online. But I would like to tell you this is not easy for them if you are sincere while shopping.

    If you are going for online shopping then you need to know that there is risk that credit card information can be hacked when you making payment online. Due to this reason, you need to make safe yourself with the knowledge in order to fail a credit card fraud.

    To protect your credit card sensitive information, Please go through with simple steps.

    1.You need to make sure that the website you are visiting have taken steps to secure all card information.

    2.Check if the encryption icon is active as well as check if the website address is secured.

    The encryption icon can be found at the bottom of the page you are viewing. The icon looks like a padlock. If the padlock is opened, it means that the page is not secure. If it is locked, it means that the information you provide will be encrypted, making it hard for hackers to retrieve your details. On the other hand, a secured website address always starts with "https", not the regular "http”.

    3. You need to read and understand the terms and conditions that may apply once you use your credit cards. Always check the billing statement each month and look for any unexpected entry in the bill. If such entry occurs, report it immediately to Credit Card Bank. Block your credit card and take a new credit card from the bank.

    4 Apart from reading a Credit Card terms and conditions, always read the website's policy before you start shopping. Think 2-3 times before you start filling out the online data form.

    Analyze exactly where all the information will go which you are providing. Is it better to take sensible steps rather than risk exposing your personal and sensible information to hackers?

    5. Take print screen of your order and note down the website URL, from where you did the online shopping.

    Finally I would say online shopping is good way to save your time and Money, However make healthy precautions while doing online shopping.