Google Place Search - Finds Local Information or Any Business

If you want to search for any restaurant then it is very easy to find through Google Places search feature added in Google search Engine. Google has launched recently Places Link to categorize the places, locations in search to get quicker results. If simply you are searching on then it was not easy to find the restaurant quickly rather than you will be seeing many websites details also in the result set. Now it has been very easy to find the any Location, any business through Google place search suppose I am searching restaurant in Delhi as given screenshot.

See how it looks -

Really very amazing feature place search has introduced by Google. It gives relevant results for any location, business, shops, schools, colleges, institutes .Even you can see the details of business owner too or you can see related websites on click of search link from place search result. Google Place search will improve our life faster and easier. We don't need to ask anyone where this restaurant or college. We just type in Google place search and will get the quick result and related information.
If your restaurant or business is not coming in Google place search then you can directly add your business in Google places. It's a free listing of your business on Google Map and when you will be adding your business you will get an automated phone call from Google to share your pin which you need to enter in the screen as after submitting of your business details. As you submit your business details with a location, your business will be displayed on Google map and also it will come in Google place search.

If you want to add your business or restaurant on Google Map or Google place search then click on below links -

Transfer Google Analytics to Another Google Account

It is not a quite possible to transfer Google analytics to other Google account, but tricky we can achieve the same, we can add easily a new user as Admin which looks like a sharing Google Analytics account to other person and it provides full rights for a new user to see Google analytics reports. Admin user will work as an owner for the Google Analytics Account.

To add a User as an Admin simply follows below steps -
1. Login in Google Analytics
2. Click on User Manager (Available at the Bottom of the page)
3. Click on Add User
4. Enter a Gmail Address of person who wants to see reports as an Admin or you are providing him rights to access the same report.
5. Select Access Type – choose Account Administrator for making him as admin or owner.
6. Say Save Changes
7. Ask to New user for login in the account, he would be able to see Google Analytics Report same as you were enjoying earlier.

If you want to transfer completely Google Analytics you can delete yourself from user list and you won’t be able to access these profile and reports in future.
Administrator has full rights for your profiles and all reports of Google Analytics

Webmaster Tool Indexed Only 26 Latest URL By Sitemap

I had surprised one day when I have posted 68 nice posts and whenever I had submitted the sitemap it shows always 26 submitted and 25 or 24 in web index. I started to think why only 25 or 24 posts have indexed by Google in out of 68 posts. The Reason is If you are submitting simple sitemap URL then it will take always only latest 26 URL from sitemap and recent top 26 pages will be crawled by Google spider or Google Bot. So for achieving indexing of all pages we required to make a little change in common sitemap URL.

1. Common Sitemap URL -
In this sitemap only 26 URL will be considered by Google and will be crawled from out of 26.It counts from recent posts.For an example if I have 200 Pages for my blog then this common sitemap URL will not work.

2. SitemapURL crawled 100 pages  -
Suppose if you want to crawl 100 pages from your blog then sitemap URL will be as written below
It indicates that starting index is 1 and Max 100 pages will be crawled by Google spider.

3. Sitemap URL crawled more than 100 Pages- 
If you further want to submit pages to Google webmaster to crawl then sitemap URL will change see little difference below-
Start-Index will be changed to 100 and max-result will be set by 200. It indicates that up to 200 pages will be indexed from 101 Index.So this is very nice way to submit all pages to Google. You will get more visitors if all pages have well placed or indexed . Submit your blog in Google webmaster tool by changing your site name.

How to Submit a Sitemap to Google –

1. Login in Google webmaster tool
2. Click on Site Configuration > Sitemap
3. Click on Submit a Sitemap
4. Enter remaining URL after your Domain Name URL –
If you have less than 26 post then you can post default sitemap URL that is written below.
5. After posting wait for at least half an hour or more than to see submitted URL and Indexed number of pages, login again web master tool.

Online Recharge Your Prepaid Mobile Through Axis Bank

It has been now easy to recharge mobile for the prepaid mobile holder through an internet and bank a/c, you can fill talk value amount in your mobile anytime through your axis bank a/c. If you have account in axis bank and using an internet banking and net secure facility in your account then it’s very easy for you mobile recharge in few seconds. Any time you can recharge your prepaid mobile through Axis Bank Net banking iConnect even it is working for the night also.
First you need to register a Mobile to Recharge any mobile, this is one time registration and it is simplest as adding a contact number in the mobile phone.Once Mobile number is registered you can recharge mobile from anywhere , anytime and any day from an internet and using axis bank website.

First Register Your Mobile  –:
1. Open website
2. Click on LogOn Button
3.Click on Continue to Login
4.Select Recharge Your Mobile Option

5.Click on Register Mobile Number.
Step 1 : Enter Mobile Number Details
Register Mobile Number
  • Enter Nick Name – What ever you want to enter as you are saving phone contacts in the Mobile.
  • Country Code : 91 by default for India.
  • Enter Prepaid Mobile Number 
  • Choose Mobile Network Operator - SIM from which company like idea SIM, Airtel SIM , Reliance GSM etc.
Step 2 : Verify  Details
  • Enter your Login Id - This is an Internet Banking ID
  • Enter your Transaction Password - This is another password which is used for any transaction.
  • Enter Your Net Secure Code -Enter  Net Secure code which have been sent on your Mobile.
Step 3  : Confirmation
Your Mobile has registered successfully, confirmation message will be displayed.

Recharge Registered Mobile -:
  • Click on Recharge Mobile at the left side from Menu
  • Select a Mobile Number to Recharge 
  • Click on Recharge Now
  • Click on Submit Button
  • Enter your Login  ID
  • Enter your Transaction Password
  • Check check box  which says you have read axis bank term and condition.
  • Your Mobile has recharged successfully, and you will get the message on your Mobile also at the same time.

View Registered Mobile -:
You can see your registered mobile and if you think this wrong mobile no which I have added then you can delete the mobile number and can add further with correct one.

Check Status -:
You can check status of your mobile recharge from there, if there is any issue that you are not getting message of recharge or amount is not added in your mobile balance then you can directly call to customer care of that Mobile Operator.They will take care of your issue. If there is any technical difficulty and not amount recharged then after 4 days money will returned to your account automatically.

It is very good service which have been introduced by Axis bank, I am frequently using this service for recharging my mobile, my wife’s mobile and my family members too.You can recharge your mobile through the ATM Machine also.

You can have same facility from different banks as well like Citi Bank, Hdfc Bank, IDBI Bank, Dena Bank,Corporation Bank, Bank of Punjab, Centurian Bank.

For all the banks , there are approximate a similar process, you will have to have with you internet banking, net secure service,Unique Registration Number service and your transaction username and password with you.You can do mobile recharge through the ATM also and sending SMS to Bank itself, contact to your bank on customer care number and asked for method how can make mobile recharge through the ATM itself.

To know customer care number of any Banks Click Here - Bank customer Care Numbers .