Make Your Title Link Attached For Each Post in Blogger

Attaching a link with each post very much useful for a Google or for any search Engine, If you have similar kind of post or contents in two articles then search engines may not able to identify which is exact link of this post, it might be display other link in search result along with the Title.So to avoid this thing, good to have to have associated link for each post,whenever you make any post, must tag link with title.

Title & Link in Blogger
How to Make Setting to Enable the Link Field :-

After Login in Blogger , Go in Setting > Formatting , see the Label Show Link fields.Now make it Yes, You will able to see the Link field for each post along with the Title Field.

Setting of a Title Link
How to Attach link with The Title :-

First post the article which you want to publish, as you post the article, the link will be created.Now go in Posting >  Edit Post. You will get the recent post article, make right click on view link, copy your link address through the option and click on edit post provide the link in Link Field and re-publish the  post, now your link got successfully saved with the Title.

Copy link from Blog Post Title

How To Know Passport Status Online in India

Know Status of Passport in India
Have you applied for a passport and want to know status of your passport. If you have application file no with you then easily you can get the passport status through the website online itself, powered by Indian Government.

Passport status could be know only for following cities -
Amritsar, Bareilly, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Cochin, Coimbator, Dehradun, Delhi, Ghaziabad, Guwhati, Goa, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jalandhar, Jammu, Kolkata, Kozikode, Lucknow, Madurai, Malappuram, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Pune, Raipur, Ranchi, Shimla, Srinagar, Surat, Thane, Trivandrum,Vishakapatnam

  • Passport Status website URL :
  • Select your city and Enter the file no in Second Text Box, First Text Box automatically changed as city is selected.
  •  Click on Submit, you will get the current status message of the passport.

For Other details related passport As :-
Application forms, How to fill the form,Fees structure, Complaints&Suggestions, How to apply,Check list, Where to apply, FAQ, Tatkaal Scheme, Right to information Act, Affidavits, Passport Act / Rules, Penalties, Vigilance, Complaints&Suggestions and Check lists.

You can visit the link

How to get Address and Enquiry Numbers of Passport Office :-
Select Your City in Home Page List from will get the details of passport office address and  Local Jurisdiction details, contact numbers, Tele enquiry Details.

All Passport Local Offices Telephone Numbers & Email Addresses :-

Turn On Google Instant Search

Google Instant search mode provides result instantly and also provide predictions when you type, it can save your time, you do not need to press enter or click on Search button.You can scan result when you type and can change text anytime while scanning.It is very easy to apply instant search on and off.

Turn on Google Instant Search
To Turn on open URL and click try it now, you will be redirected to, try any text now in the search, you will feel instantaneous search result.

How turn off Google Instant Search Result -
If you think, it does not seem working well, you can make it off anytime from Google preferences settings . Choose Do not use Google instant.

How to Make Blogger Template Mobile Supported

Have you visit your blog or website on mobile, have you noticed loading time, navigation and visualization of blog on Mobile.The Blogger has setting to convert the blog into a mobile template, when you set the settings then the blog will be displayed on mobile with other version of temple and will have a different look and feel.The blog will load fast on the mobile and will be also very easy to navigate on mobile.

When anyone will navigate your blog on mobile then mobile template will be used instead of web template, and for the Internet web template will be used, It means from now the blog will be converted in two templates web Template and mobile Template.

Make Blog Mobile Supported

How to Convert Blog into Mobile Template :-

1. Login in
2. Go in Setting Tab > Email & Mobile
3. Choose Yes, to display Mobile Version of Template and see Mobile Preview of the Blog.
4. Enter any Secret word if asked.
5. Save Settings.

If you don't feel good look and feel on mobile then you can choose anytime "No", to make further use of web Template for mobile users.

To test, see mobile preview or visit your blog on mobile.

Note : This setting will change look and feel on Mobile device only and other then mobile the template will be used same as earlier.

YouTube - Most Embedded IFRAME HTML5 Player Parameters

Youtube Iframe Player Parameters
You have embedded YouTube video in your website, did you look at IFrame attribute src.

This seems like src=""

Here src attribute of iframe is used to display YouTube video at your screen, you can append more parameters in YouTube video url after ?. I have studied all the parameters, have a look.

autohide :
Default Value is 2 & other Values are 0 & 1
2 : Hide video controls like pause, start button and not hides progress bar.
0 : hides progress bar and controls will be displayed while running videos
1 : hides progress bar and controls both will be hide as start playing video, it will show again when user will take mouse on video.

Syntax - src=""

controls :
Default value is 1 & other value is 0
1 : if set to 1 then control will display.
0 : if set to 0 then control will not display.

Syntax - src=""

loop & playlist together -

loop :
Default value is 0 and other value is 1
0 : it won’t play next video
1 : it play next video

Loop parameter is used to play multiple video or same video again until not pause by user.For loop parameter , You have to also provide playlist parameter, otherwise loop parameter won’t work.

playlist :
In the playlist parameter you have to provide video id for playing a next video, you can provide single video Id or same video Id, or multiple video Id in comma separated and playlist parameter will play video one by one.see syntax for loop and playlist.

Syntax if Playing same video -
src=" &playlist=_C3M—XhKxM"

Syntax if you want to play more related video -

enablejsapi & origin together -

enablejsapi :
Default value is 0 and other value is 1
0 : will not enable javascript API
1 : will enable javascript API

origin :
This parameter is used to provide more security for IFRAME embed parameters,in the origin you have to give name of your website.

Syntax for origin and enablejsapi -
src=" =1 &origin"

rel :
default value is 1 and other value is 0
1 : Player will load related videos.
0 : Player will not load related videos.

Note : If showsearh parameter is used then rel =1 should be set, other wise showsearch will not work in case of rel=0

Syntax - src=""

showsearch :
default value is 1 and other value is 0
1 : enable the search box even video is minimized.
0 : disable the searchbox when video is minimized

Note : rel=1 should set as parameter if you want to display search box in YouTube Player, rel=0 automatic disabled the search box even assigned showsearch=1.

Syntax - src=""

rel and showsearch together then Syntax :

Syntax - src=""

modestbranding :
default value is 0 and other value is 1
0 :  will display the YouTube Logo
1 : will not display the youtube logo and label will be display at the top

Note : if modestbranding=1 , and you don’t want to display youtube Logo then showinfo=1 should be set in the parameters list.

Syntax - src=""

default is 1 and other is 0
1 : Info will be displayed regarding video like video Title, who has uploaded etc.
0 : Info will not display.

Syntax - src=""

Syntax if showinfo and modestbranding together -

Syntax - src=""

autoplay :
default is 0 and other is 1
0 : video will not start automatically
1 : video will start automatically on the page.

autoplay is not working if you have given playlist attribute, you have to choose one option in both of these , either go with autoplay or playlist.

Update on Auto Play 30 June 2011 : It was not working earlier in case of playlist parameter, but now it has started again.

Syntax - src=""

theme :
default is light and other is dark
light : it will show the White Player
dark : it will show the Black Player.

Syntax for White Player - src=""

Syntax for Black Player - src=""

Why AdChoices Instead of Ads By Google - AdChoices is Ads Preferences

Google has given now power to each visitor to select ads category base on his preferences.The visitor can make setting of any ads category through clicking on AdChoices Triangular Icon, The User will be educated about Google Adsense, Google Adwords and also He will able to make changes in seeing ads settings based on categories, User will able to remove and add categories. After making these setting, Ads Choices setting will store in the browser cookie and when user will navigate the website then He will see ads only base on his preferences, it seems a big change which can make big impact on publisher revenue.Google is trying to display  more relevant ads as per visitors choices.

Google earlier was displaying Google ads based on contents of websites, previous navigated websites, Google search query, and Visited websites, now Google Team added one more thing - User Interest based ads.

User Interest based Advertise is called AdChoices or Ad Preferences.When user will click on AdChoices then no revenue will generate and will  redirect to Google Adsense Support Page.When user will click on any ad then only amount will credit to Google Adsense Account.

Google made label change to attract visitors to educate about ads Preferences setting.Currently Google is displaying AdChoices for Text Links and Image Ads, This Label not get changed for Unit Links, still remains ads by Google.

Note: Publisher can not disable or remove add choices icon, it run by Google itself designed by Ad Choices Team.

Interest based Setting in  Publisher Adsense Account -:
Publisher can make settings from My Account Tab in Google Adsense Account for not showing ads base on interest based, Google will try to pull the ads based on website contents only if chosen do not allow interest based ads, however selection & deselection of this could make huge impact on publisher revenue, some publisher are getting more revenue after selecting the Interest Based Ads, how some of few publisher got revenue generated only 40 or 50 % in comparison of last revenues.

Check Impact of Revenue in Targeting Types Report in Adsense Account -:
Google introduces targeting types reports which shows the revenue data for each targeting ads based on
keywords or text , Website or Page URL, and User Interest setting based cookie.

Do You Earn Money when Adchoices is clicked instead of Adsense -:
Yes, you will earn money even adchoices ads are displaying on Your website, but you won't get the money when Adchoies Icon will be clicked since it is allowing to user the change ads preferences.

Make Smart Purchasing Online of Mobiles, Books and Cameras in INDIA

Everyone today want to compare market price before purchasing online any product, Yes we have to be little smart and  we must do little analysis before purchasing online any item, we can do such analysis through one of the website and get price compare result from various stores or websites.

The smart price check website URL is , where you can compare three products mobile, book and camera. You have to select a specific product under these 3 category and you will get market compare result, then after your self analysis you can choose a better store or better product.

You can make compare store wise for price, delivery time, shipping cost, when you select go to store , you will be redirected to store or website, you can select product and provide delivery address information. Make payment online through Internet Banking, Debit Card or Credit Card. The maximum average delivery time of any product is 2-5 business days.

Google Plus One Button Working In Google Chrome

I have added Google plus one button in this blog  and when I published this, I saw it is working on Goggle Chrome only, when I tested my page for other browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla/4.0  Firefox, it seems not working, The button is not appearing on the page. It might be Plus One button script is not supporting to others browsers.

Google Plus one Button Working in Chrome
To Check this - is working or not ? Open your website in Google Chrome and also in other browsers too.You will see the difference. It indicates that Google is still working on Google Plus One button and They will update script soon accordingly browser compatibility.

First I have added Google Plus One button script in the HTML / Script Widget. Further I tried pasting the script in Head Tag instead widget, It is not working yet any how for any others browser excepting chrome, still not visible Google PlusOne button.

To get Google Plus Button Code - Please read - Google Launched Plus One Button Code Publicly

Google Launched Plus One Button Code Publicly

Google Plus Button
Google has introduced plus one button for all website publishers and also this button will appear in Google search along with search result, this is same as "Like button", "I like this page" or "I like this" as we have seen in Facebook, The big difference seems here is that button will also appear in Google search which will make more impact on any website and Google page ranking.

One more thing when people will click on PlusOne button then Google will create their Google profile and PlusOne Tab will add in Google Profile.The Tab will show list of all recommended websites by user.This is little bit similar to Google Bookmarking, Google user can view his favorites recommendations and visit all plus 1's  websites.
Example of showing Google plus Button

Most  awaited Google plus one button code has been launched today, you can copy the script code and paste in the your website. Before copying, have a look on Google specific policy on PlusOne button.

You can get Google PlusOne Button code on below URL

How to Install and Uninstall Google Chrome Extensions in Google Chrome

Google Chrome Extensions are published on and you can easily install these. There are free extensions and also paid extensions, you can search the extensions, select extension and click to install it on your computer. Suppose if you are looking for a YouTube Downloader then Search and Install it.

How to Uninstall Google Chrome Extensions -

Uninstall Extensions from Google Chrome
  • Open Google Chrome Browser 
  • Type in URL Bar chrome://extensions
  • Click on Uninstall button, The extension will be removed in the seconds.