Create Advertise from Google Adwords Campaign

Publishers are worried that visitors are not coming to my site and they want to increase the audience. Really it is true without audience what is purpose to write the contents if no one reading at all. So many people are not writing for the money, only they have passion to write a blog or publish an article on the website. So I will cover in this article how to set and run ad campaign which will provide a huge visitor from the Google network.

To set and run the Google Adword campaign for your business, blog or website, need to follow below just few steps -

1. Login - Login in to Adwords account (Use Google Account Username and Password).

2. New Campaign - Click on Campaign Tab to create a new campaign, Click on New Campaign which inside the same tab.

3. Campaign Name - Provide the Campaign Name meaningful for the future reference.

4. Location and Language - Choose Location and Languages, Where you want to display the ads of your business, blog or website. You can choose very specific your country or state also to run the ads.

5. Bidding and Budget – There are two options  :

i) Manual Bidding – Manual bidding is default, and amount can be set by you which you want to spend for the day on click of your ads, you can set as per your easiness and flexibility .You can change also Daily Budget later if you feel it is less or more.

ii) Automatic Bidding - Automatic bidding performed by the Google adwords Program and it will have target of maximum click to reach to your daily budget.

6. You can Skip Ad Extension and Advance Setting part which is not mandate to run the campaign.

7. Save and Continue.

8. You will be redirect to Ad Group, Add New Add Group for your Ads.

Steps to create a New Ad Group -

1. Add Group Name – Name should be meaningful which you can refer in future.

2. Choose Type of Ad – i) Text Ad ii) Image Ad iii) Display Builder iv) Mobile ad

3. If chosen Text Ad then provides the Headline of the Ad, Description Line 1, Description Line 2, Display URL, Destination URL .Display URL will display at your ad and destination URL will open the link in browser.

4. Select the Keywords - Which fits to your business, blog or websites. Add in the left keyword list from right displayed keyword List.

5. You can skip the Placement Section as not mandatory.

6. Save Ad Group.

Now your Adword Campaign and Advertise group has been created sucessfully. You can create multiple ad groups under the same adwords campaign.

At the Last – You need to make the payment for running the ad word campaign on Google Network, Do the online payment from the Billing Tab – Select Make Payment Option.

After the Successful Payment, you ads would be run on the publisher sites by the Google and powered by Ads by Google.

I will take more on the same later if required to audience.