Google Bookmarking - Make Favorites Online and Access From Any Computer

Google Bookmarking -Make Favorites Online and Access from Any System

We are used to add favorites in Internet Explorer or in any browser which were only saved for a particular browser as computer formatted then all added favorites get deleted. Google has introduced a new concept called Google Bookmarking to store useful stuffs online through simply login in Google bookmarking web URL and access the same added favorites from any computer via an internet.

Make Favorites Online And Accessible From Any Computer Via An Internet :-
  • Open web URL
  • Login with your Google Account or Gmail Username and Password.
  • Go in Tools > Add Bookmark 
  • Suppose you want to save any Technical stuffs URL or good information based URL then enter the page name, page name can be anything whatever you have understood by the article or technical stuffs.
  • Location (URL) – Location is just URL of technical stuffs which you want to refer in future which you got hardly from web search.
  • Lables – you can provide comma separated Tags like Mobile, SIM if I got article related mobile repairing.
  • Description- If you want to provide description about favorites then give otherwise ignores it.
  • After all click on Add Bookmark, Bookmark will be added in your private list, it won’t accessible to others people.
Steps To Create Bookmark List Publicly -:

If you want to share publically useful stuffs to others then you can create your own list.
  • Click on Create New list Button at left side.
  • Provide the name and Description and create the list.
  • Select Make Public to make public else you can choose private too.
  • Enter Useful websites URL and favorites and click on add button to add the bookmark.
  • You can add as many as from Add Stuff for a particular list.
This list will be publicly shares automatically with other Google users when they are searching any content from Google bookmarking.

Search Google Bookmarks which are created as Public :-
  • Open web URL
  • Enter anything in Google bookmarks search box to search Google bookmark, you will get the list of many bookmarks which are shared publically by any other Google user.
  • You can view all public lists which are created by others by clicking on public list.
Import Delicious Bookmarks :- 
  • Click on Import Delicious Bookmarks.
  • If you are accessing your delicious account using yahoo username and password then provide Yahoo username and Password.
  • Click on Export to Google Bookmarks
  • Your all bookmarks will be importing in to your Google account.
Share Bookmarks Through Invite To Others :-

Select any public or private bookmark from the list and click on share button from right corner , provide the email address and message.